PORKALICIOUS Dong Po Rou (Braised Pork Belly)
The secret to this succulent, aromatic dish is time. Slow cooking for several hours allows the pork belly to absorb the wine and soy sauce breaking down the fatty meat to produce a “melt in your mouth” texture, also reducing the greasiness of the fat and leaving a deep vibrant chocolate brown coating. The meat is so tender one can simply nudge it with a pair of chop sticks and it falls apart
Dong Po Rou (东坡肉) is a traditional dish of braised pork belly, supposedly created by Su Dong Po (蘇東坡January 8, 1037 – August 24, 1101), a famous writer, poet, painter, calligrapher, pharmacologist, gastronome, and statesman of the Song dynasty. Over the centuries, this Braised Pork Belly Dong Po Rou dish has become very popular, and once you taste it, you’ll know why.
As the story goes, one day Su had a pot of braised pork simmering on the stove when an old friend visited him and challenged him to a game of Chinese chess. As the challenging game consumed his focus, Su lost track of time and consequently overcooked his pork to the point where it gave off a fragrance as it began to burn, thus creating an important culinary addition. Years later, as he oversaw renovations of the West Lake, Su gave his hard-working workers cubes of braised pork secured with rope to thank them for their hard work, thus introducing it to the working class and the masses and influencing how the dish is traditionally served today. While this may be a tall tale, what remains true is that the dish has since been named after Su Dong Po and is closely associated with him and Hangzhou in history.
Welcome to Foxxytong Private Kitchen – a restaurant that fuses the nostalgia of 1950’s Shanghai with heart-warming home-cooked Recipe.
古色古香老味道五十年代怀旧老式装潢已有十年在经營的老店 福喜堂私房菜館
忙碌的生活中寻找一份怡然自得,美食深度探索. 福喜堂的老式装潢以及店里面播放著怀旧老歌让您突然感受时光倒流的感觉。
✅️擁有高級卡拉OK音響設備, 公司慶宴以及家庭好友聚餐,飯後引吭高歌的好地方。
Foxxytong Private Kitchen
34-1, Jalan USJ 10 /1E, 47610, Taipan subang jaya.
Hp : 011-1239 6967
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Operation hour : 12.00pm to 3pm, 6.00pm to 9.30pm
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