Thank you from the bottom of our heart for joining us for Susan Low and Huey Hiew 31st Wedding Anniversary Dinner at Foxxytong Private Kitchen. Your presence made it truly special.


Appetizer 开胃菜:
芝士水果拼盤 Fruits Cheese Platter

  1. 浙 菜 – 蟹釀橙 Xie Niang Cheng Crab Stuffed Orange
  2. 粤菜 – 猪肚包鸡汤 Chicken Stuffed in Pig Stomach
  3. 魯菜 – 葱烧海參 Scallion-Fried Sea Cucumber
    4.川菜 – 蒜泥白肉 Garlic Pork
    5.湘菜 – 水煮魚 Hunan Boiled Fish
    6.苏菜 – 红焖狮子头 Braised Lion’s Hea
    7.徽菜 – 李鸿章杂烩 Li Hongzhang Stew
    8.闽菜 – 卤面 Fujian Braised Noodles ❇️飯後甜點 Dessert
    芋泥椰奶凍 Taro Puree Coconut Milk Jelly
    桃膠蓮子百合羹 Peach Gum, Lotus Seed and Lily Pulp Soup

  1. 浙菜 – 蟹酿橙從南宋朝流傳至今,有着千年历史的国宴名菜, 鮮美,气味特殊,橙的酸甜同螃蟹的鮮香融为一体。




蟹酿橙 xiè niàng chéng.
SONG DYNASTY crab-stuffed-orange is an Orange-Flavored Crab Meat.

Xie niang cheng is crab meat steamed with orange pulp, combined with others ingredients in sauce made from rice vinegar and rice wine and put in a hollowed out orange.

This is a dish with much history, having originated in the Song Dynasty era 1151 when oranges were still a rare treat and Hangzhou had just become the capital of the Song Emperors.

During the Song dynasty, the golden age in China’s culinary history, people came up with various new ways to enjoy crab, from crab wontons to crab roe soup buns. They even invented a dish called “crab-stuffed orange (蟹酿橙).” To make this, they cut off the top of an orange, hollowed out the inside, filled it with crab roe and crab meat, and then put the top back on before steaming it in water, wine, and vinegar.

2.粤菜- 猪肚包鸡汤,是一道广东省传统的地方名菜,属于客家菜系,又名猪肚煲鸡、凤凰投胎,是广东客家地区酒席必备的餐前用汤,汤里浓中带清,有浓郁的药材味和胡椒香气. 最早是客家女人坐月子时吃的一道菜肴.
Cantonese Cuisine – Chicken stuffed in pig stomach is a traditional local specialty in Guangdong Province. It belongs to the Hakka cuisine. It is also known as chicken stewed in pig stomach and phoenix reincarnation. It is a must-have soup before banquets in the Hakka area of ​​Guangdong. The soup is thick and clear, with a strong medicinal flavor and pepper aroma. It was originally a dish eaten by Hakka women during confinement.
The production technique of chicken wrapped in pig stomach is a representative project of the ninth batch of district-level intangible cultural heritage in Sanshui District, Foshan City.

  1. 葱烧海参是鲁菜代表菜之一。以水发海参和大葱为主料,其海参清鲜,柔软香滑,葱段香浓,食后无余汁。是“古今八珍”之一,葱香味醇,营养丰富,滋肺补肾。
    2018年,“中国菜”正式发布,“葱烧海参“被评为山东十大经典名菜。Scallion-fried sea cucumber is one of the representative dishes of Shandong Cuisine. With water-soaked sea cucumber and green onion as the main ingredients, the sea cucumber is fresh, soft and smooth, with a strong scallion flavor, and no residual juice after eating. It is one of the “eight treasures of ancient and modern times”, with a mellow onion flavor, rich nutrition, and nourishing lungs and kidneys.
    In 2018, “Chinese cuisine” was officially released, and “Scallion-fried sea cucumber” was rated as one of the top ten classic dishes in Shandong.
  2. 蒜泥白肉是一道中国传统菜品,属于川菜菜系,制作原料主要有蒜泥、肉等,口味鲜美,营养丰富,食时用筷拌合,随着热气,一股酱油、辣椒油和大蒜组合的香味直扑鼻端,使人食欲大振。蒜味浓厚,肥而不腻。
    Garlic pork with minced garlic is a traditional Chinese dish from Sichuan Cuisine. The main ingredients are minced garlic and meat. It is delicious and nutritious. When eating, mix it with chopsticks. With the heat, the aroma of soy sauce, chili oil and garlic hits your nose, which stimulates your appetite. It has a strong garlic flavor and is fat but not greasy.
  3. 湘菜水煑魚 油而不膩、辣而不燥、麻而不苦、肉質滑嫩是其特色。
    The Hunan Dish of boiled fish is characterized by its oiliness but not greasy, spicy but not dry, numb but not bitter, and tender meat.
  4. 苏菜-红燜狮子头。是江蘇省的一道传统名菜,属于苏菜-淮扬菜系,该菜品口感松软,肥而不腻,营养丰富,味道鲜香可口,口感松软,肥而不腻,营养丰富,非常美味。
    Su Cuisine – Braised Lion’s Head. It is a traditional famous dish in Jiangsu Province, belonging to the Su Cuisine – Huaiyang cuisine. The dish has a soft texture, fat but not greasy, rich in nutrition, and tastes fresh and delicious. It has a soft texture, fat but not greasy, rich in nutrition, and is very delicious.
  5. 徽菜- 李鸿章杂烩。李鴻章-清朝安徽合肥人,晚清重臣、近代重要的政治家、軍事家、外交家、實業家、改革家、淮軍創始人兼最高領袖。
    Anhui Cuisine – Li Hongzhang stew. Li Hongzhang – a native of Hefei, Anhui Province in the Qing Dynasty, was a senior official in the late Qing Dynasty, an important politician, military strategist, diplomat, industrialist, reformer, founder and supreme leader of the Huai Army in modern times.
  6. 闽菜- 卤面。閩南莆田卤面是福建是莆田知名的美食,閩南莆田卤面更是莆田歷來款待親朋好友的一道必選佳餚。
    Fujian Cuisine – Braised noodles. Minnan Putian braised noodles is a famous delicacy in Putian, Fujian. Minnan Putian braised noodles is a must-have dish for entertaining relatives and friends in Putian.

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