Foxxytong’s Fish Dishes 魚系列
[🐟魚系列 Fish Dishes] 大平洋深海-海班魚.肉質嫩滑又富彈性的海斑魚,就最受歡迎。由于海斑鱼具有富含营养、肉质鲜美、低脂肪、高蛋白等特点,在馬星中港澳地区被认为是十大名鱼之一,是高档筵席必备之上等食用鱼。 🐟海斑魚,为名贵鱼类,肉味鲜美。福喜堂荔枝或者姜葱海斑鱼片无骨,最適合小朋友們及樂齢人士安全食用而且海斑鱼营养丰富,肉质细嫩洁白,魚肉軟嫩,鮮香味美,低脂肪,高蛋白,鱼皮里面含有非常丰富的胶质。搭配新鮮蔬菜与熱呼呼的香米蒸飯令人食欲大增。🐟Foxxytong’s Steamed Boneless Sea GROUPER Fish Fillet is incredibly nutritious. And it tastes good, too ! It’s perfect healthy choices for kids & elderly.Eating fish is linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. It’s high in protein, minerals, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Fish can lessen …